OWASP API Security Top 10 mitigation strategy using an OIDC/OAuth-compliant serverThe OWASP API Security Top 10 is a comprehensive list highlighting the most critical security risks to APIs. In this article, we will take…Jun 11, 2024Jun 11, 2024
Trouble updating HomeBrew after MacOS upgradeI recently upgraded my macOS to Catalina 10.15.7(The max version supported for 2012 Macbook air as of this writing) and thereafter could…Apr 18, 2024Apr 18, 2024
Choosing a Single Sign-On protocol — SAML vs OIDCIf you’re part of a team tasked with integrating into an identity and access management solution provider, the terms OpenID Connect (OIDC)…Feb 26, 2024Feb 26, 2024
Create and expose JSON APIs for rapid prototyping with no codingGiven the widespread use of SaaS apps, there’s often a need to swiftly prototype system integrations without exposing sensitive production…Feb 23, 2024Feb 23, 2024
base64 decode and encode command lineBase64 decoding and encoding is frequently used by developers to decode some plain text passwords stored in file like docker credentials…Aug 2, 2022Aug 2, 2022
Self signed certificates for developersAs developers it is quite common to have the need for certificates that can be attached to web servers or application servers or…Jan 26, 2022Jan 26, 2022
Convert PEM to PPK or PPK to PEM for PuTTY, WinSCPIts quite often that we need to ssh into a remote instance using tools like PuTTY, WinSCP etc.. These tools do not accept the PEM format…Jan 16, 2022Jan 16, 2022
Listening process and ports on Mac OSIt’s quite common that in linux world, we are used to the netstat command to list the processes and the ports on which they are listening…Dec 15, 2021Dec 15, 2021
Manage access to multiple GitHub accounts with ssh — local developmentIf you are a software programmer or developer, it is quite common that you will have a work-related GitHub account as well as a personal…Nov 15, 2021Nov 15, 2021
Published inFAUN — Developer Community 🐾Local kubernetes with kind, helm and a sample serviceLet’s explore in this article how to create a simple sample-service , convert it into a docker image(containerization), package the…Nov 10, 20212Nov 10, 20212