Base64 decoding and encoding is frequently used by developers to decode some plain text passwords stored in file like docker credentials, kubernetes secret etc..There are lot of website that let you encode and decode but I don’t feel secure encoding/decoding them online especially the credentials
Base64 encoding process transforms binary data to ascii data to facilitate effective transmission storage etc and base64 decoding converts the data back to original format. Base64 uses only alphabet, number and =
Base64 encode:
echo "renjith:mycreds" | base64
Output: `cmVuaml0aDpteWNyZWRzCg==`
Base64 decode:
echo cmVuaml0aDpteWNyZWRzCg== | base64 --decode
Output: renjith:mycreds
Voila! There you go, now you can safely base64 decode and encode on your local machine without relying on a website and transferring sensitive information!